Turning Points is an online business design program for thought leaders, organisations, industry bodies, and policy creators that want to play a significant role in shaping the future. It's where to design the strategy and vision you'll be known for.
Visionaries say joining this experience was a significant turning point in their lives as well as their work.
🔮 It begins with your deep visioning intensive. Instant, on demand access to everything you need to launch (or relaunch) your incredible brand. Choose from week long fast track intensive courses to get a quick win, through to the mind-blowing 3 month overhaul that leaves no stone unturned when it comes to designing a potent future for your business.
🔮 Then you get to bring your vision to life. Inflexible programs that leave you on your own after a few weeks don't understand the most critical time for success is the moment between strategy and execution. Where they ghost you, I double down on what you need. Now that you have solid foundations, lifetime access means you can come back again and again to focus on the strategy you need to expand your vision, so you can continue to expand your business.
Turning Points process works if you:
don't have a business idea
have an idea, but no business
have an existing business and want to squeeze its potential
have an existing business and want to pivot (keeping the great bits)
are an employee seeking to lead and impact the enterprise you work for
are an organisation developing new policy for a new future
are a small, medium, or large enterprise
come from any life experience, gender expression, and family structure
There are 2 different spaces where your vision quest takes place:
🔮 The first is your strategy portal. Your expansive videos live here. Get ready to have your mind expanded and to fill that new space with the spectacular. The perspectives in these videos cannot be found elsewhere. I've used my decades of experience in strategy, advertising, and futurism to develop personalised, easy, and exciting processes.
Each of the videos in your strategy portal teach you how to personalise your action portal.
🔮 The second is your action portal. I have binned the conventional business plan that everyone hates to make and no one uses and replaced it with a living series of brainstorms, templates and resources. Available on the cloud, you keep all your business decisions, ideas, insights, and trade secrets growing wherever you are.
Get access to Turning Points for a one time investment of $220USD (best price)
or 6 monthly payments of $38USD
Year on year, the effort and dollars needed to stand out and make change increase – and how are you standing out? With the same techniques as those you're standing out from?
Done before = over done.
Today we're very discerning when deciding what's worth opening our wallets or changing behaviour for. That's why a business that isn't a clear priority is not resilient or flexible enough to thrive today. Why would they be? Cookie cutter courses give you only one option to choose from, one approach to grow, and a one size fits all formula. They set you up to struggle when any variable is different to the context that strategy was designed to work in.
The way it's always been done cannot show you how to do what hasn't been done!
Telling you WHAT decision to make in your business is as outdated as it gets. These 'business strategies' pass on the limitations of the advisors comfort zones, rely on capabilities they have that you may not, ignore limitations you have that they may not, and totally neglect the necessity of cultivating the unique strengths required for a profitable business or innovative strategy.
Business Design teaches you HOW to make excellent decisions tailored to YOUR UNIQUE circumstances. Crucially, it gives you MULTIPLE ways forward at any one time. Every part of my program is about strategies that will work hardest for you to access unrealised potential.
Turning Points is about developing new opportunities, new markets, new offerings, new positioning, and new ways to supersede "the way it's always been done." I've applied the best learnings from behavioural economics (the science of decision making), competitive strategy (the logic of creating opportunities and avoiding predictable pitfalls), design thinking (the world's best research and problem solving discipline), and my background in branding and strategy for global and micro organisations.
Turning Points is the advisory companion every leader needs and the home of perspectives you've been waiting for.
Your vision is revealed in incredible detail, to clearly see the future you were born to create. Push your vision far beyond what you imagined possible, enabling you to consult it like a manual for how to bring it to life. This is where you discover your future.
Get to the heart of why this enriched vision matters and who it matters to. Your vision is as unique as your fingerprint, and here you discover just how much the world needs it, by seeing it through the eyes of those whose lives will be changed by you. This is how designing a target market should feel.
Learn my secrets of customer alchemy so your business attracts both people who want to live in your future (customers), and those who want to help your future exist (unexpected opportunities). All without you being there.
Your unique business will bring your vision to life. I love the concept of Deus Ex Machina. The God in the machine. The magic of your vision and those it touches becomes the God. The machine is the awe-inspiring business model you get to build. It’s exceptional.
Starting with the blueprints, you will learn how your organisation really works. This blueprint is special because it allows your business to tell you what it needs, so you can prioritise your time on what's most fulfilling and impactful.
Through your blueprints, weaves your potent competitive advantage. This takes your uniqueness and makes it a profitable secret sauce. Now you know exactly where you’re going, it’s time to build a bridge between your full potential destination and your daily to-do list. This process illuminates the path of your transformation.
3 seconds. That’s how long you’ve got to communicate the impact of your vision, before a stranger keeps walking (or scrolling). I’ll show you how to pull customers toward your brand by embodying the emotion they seek more of. It’s a brand strategy process so effective, I have an entire cohort of clients who are brand strategists!
You’ll also learn how to turn your secret sauce into a claim, so your word of mouth becomes another controllable tool for spreading your impact. You’ll know in an easily repeatable way, how to make people feel they’ve been waiting for you all their life.
Then it’s about bringing it all together. Creating a magnetic presence on social media, your website, and email so that your brand finds the right people and brings them to you.
Think of your life right now. Imagine that it continued on that way, with no change, forever. Add the years of study, experimentation and strain it would take you to try to get close to the outcomes that are typical in only 3 months of following this process. Do you really want that?
Visionaries inside say they could feel their transformation begin from the welcome video! The sooner you join us, the sooner you get unstuck. The sooner you get to see your impact change the world, experience the magic, unlock the special resources, and more.
I have spent years building and refining my business design methodology. Anything that led to mediocre results was eliminated. This means every member of Turning Points is the next success story. You can become a high level client getting high level results right now.
Purchasing Turning Points now gives you permanent, lifetime access to all video modules and the Notion portal.
That means you pay once (or via payment plan) and get up-to-date, incredible strategy FOREVER.
The nature of this process is that you want to come back and do it again and again every time you're at a new growth milestone, building on the strong foundations you create first time around.
Turning Points is addictive and you'll find yourself wanting to apply that thinking to everything.
Life goals? Yep! Annual strategy reviews? No worries. Time for a pivot? Easy. Starting a new side hustle? I got you!
Melissa is not available for consulting to business owners that aren't in Turning Points.
While you can pick my brain for free anytime once you've joined, there are times you may want to go deeper and have an innovation expert working directly on your business and brand.
For those times, say hello to my face-to-face design sprints, where your vision meets my expertise in advertising and business design.
Together, we'll ideate, strategise, and collaborate to unearth brilliant ideas and tap into emerging trends that resonate with your key customers and stakeholders.
I'll stop your great ideas from being watered down into mediocre tweaks and stale, predictable offerings. You'll finally have what you need for significant breakthrough innovations to be realised.
I will challenge you to bring out the very best, leaving you excited and confident your ideas will become potent realities.
Once you move through the Turning Points program you unlock the library.
It's a series of execution and growth focused micro-courses that will help you get the most out of your vision.
Learn how to:
• Create a profitable launch
• Pitching to proactively land dream clients and partnerships
• Turn your life story into a killer keynote or book
• My special process for creating low ticket digital products that sell like hotcakes
and so much more! Every year I add modules to the program based on what members want support with.
The perfect companion once you've defined your exciting strategy.
Every leader refers to one or two moments where they made a decision, and suddenly everything changed. They refer to it as a "turning point". I noticed there was a profound pattern to these turning points, which has become a source of endless fascination and intrigue for me.
The first turning point is when what the leader does, and what they want to do in this life come in to total alignment. They suddenly felt "right". That they were in the right place, doing what they were supposed to be doing. With this turning point came clarity, confidence and a pervasive sense of purpose. They became the catalyst for their own ambition. You can even see this in entire countries post colonial independence. A radical explosion of creativity, innovation, all of an extremely unique flavour that is distinctly of that place.
The second turning point is when what a leader does and what the world needs are deeply aligned. It's when the world recognises the significance and necessity of a unique contribution. There is a sense that everyone has a distinct role to play that contributes to a greater whole. Suddenly, the unique contribution (be it a a business, a visionary idea, or even an entire industry or categories specialty) picks up a radical amount of momentum. A bit like a renaissance where everyone wants a piece of, and to be closer to the magic.
I realised that this pattern of turning points was reflected in the outcomes of those who had gone through my program. They found their thing. They felt like they were existing in a state of deep potential. Others noticed and gravitated towards them. The momentum snowballed.
I believe that if everyone had this opportunity to flourish... To reimagine themselves, their lives and this world... That this world could operate in a far more harmonious, effective and creative way than we have ever witnessed. It's part of my potential to deliver this expansion to everyone I meet. Turning Points is the way I get to do this at the depth required to spark the awe-inspiring transformations that lie waiting within everyone.